Tag: womenintech

ST photo with female investors2

TechCityinsider reports and promotes the next generation of digital businesses. Here we share their latest podcast TECH TALK 39 on why investing in female tech founders is important.

In a decade of technology-focused angel investing, I've often heard the comment that we need more women in technology – and, in particular, more female founders. In fact, more often than not it's me making the comment, as I'm an active backer of female entrepreneurs. But in the last five years, I've noticed the tide is turning – and at last we are actually seeing more female founders. So, have we now reached a tipping point?

Phoebe Seymour (Yr12 student) from The Bishop's Stortford High School researched the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to understand why fewer women are pursuing AI careers when the majority of the constructed AI personalities are female.

It is common knowledge within the tech world that there is a severe lack of women in the artificial intelligence (AI) field. Statistically, 50% of all A-Level physics classes in the UK do not contain girls according to Sherry Coutu, and women received just 18% of undergraduate computer-science degrees in 2011 (National Centre for Education statistics). 

This Thursday 8th March, it is International Women’s Day (#IWD) a day focused on celebrating inspirational women and their achievements.

As many of you reading this will know, IWD started over 100 years ago (when some women in the UK also got the vote) yet progress has been frustratingly slow. In 2017 Feminism was apparently 2017’s most looked up word so perhaps we are at an inflection point?